Drill Bits


Drill Bits

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Published quarterly for the last 8 years, this 110-page report on the oilfield’s Drill Bit market includes the following analysis that is unique to Spears & Associates:

Global drill bit market by region and by service company

US Land drill bit market by region and by service company

Drill bit analysis by PDC, Roller Cone, and Coring

Drilling activity by region – history and forecast

Oil/Gas price history and forecast

Profiles of the leading drill bit companies

Market shares of drill bit companies globally and for US land

Drill bit rules of thumb

US Land lateral length distribution by region


Highlights from related markets – land contract drillers, …

The Spears team includes analysts who themselves have sold drill bits globally, managed countries and continents for drill bit companies, owned drill bit manufacturing, and are advisors to drill bit companies and their key suppliers.